Coyotes have an special deal with mother nature.

They have committed themselves to serve the wholeness of life, to help mother nature to manifest and unfold her inherent skills and intelligence in an extraordinary way - and are endowed for this with a large playground.

Mother nature loves coyotes.

They display that the creating instance is a field of all possibilities ... and has humor inside. Coyotes are the proof that the basic nature of life is untamed and highly attentive to expand - ready to find the hole, the missing intelligence, the lack of understanding. Its a coyote's job to make things obvious, to find and point at the flaw and the lack of life in anything - and they are endowed for this with a deep insight into the structure of life.

Coyotes are troublemaker for deficits - even their own of course (nobody is perfect) - in attention and spirit. One has to dig deeper into life and to get more of its gifts into ones own individual being or awareness in order to get a remedy for the deficiencies.

You may fill your pockets with gold and hide behind a (de)fence ... unless you didn't deserve it for being in tune with the mind of life: some such coyote will cause trouble and make you think. And the final remedy is: be more of that, what life is.

Coyotes exemplify that life has a liking for individuality and opposites, for being committed and free, tough and funny, sweet and shrewd. They demonstrate that life is a serious thing that should not be taken seriously, its a dance, a play of all possibilities in an open range.

Coyotes are created for surviving in a free world of self-regulating forces ... and to enhance the ability for further evolution of other species ... adding to the diversifying nature of life as a whole in beauty.

I think coyotes are wonderful. And holy.

More may follow soon. (und auch auf Deutsch.)

(Quoting my text/thoughts is allowed if my copyrights are mentioned and if i am informed about the context of use.)